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KIT SWEETLY Coloring Page!

Huzzah to lady knights! I commissioned this beautiful piece of art from the wildly talented Emily Smith (@manic_pixie on Twitter) as a tattoo to commemorate KIT’s release. Because of the pandemic, I’ve not had a chance to get it yet (sigh), but I’d love to see how you’d color this loveliness. 


Click on the picture to download it and then post your colored pages on Twitter or Instagram and be sure to tag me @jamiepacton (and use hashtags #thelifeandmedievaltimesofkitsweetly #joustlikeagirl or #kitsweetlycoloringpage). I’ll be giving away a signed copy of KIT to one person who posts a colored page by 5/5/20. (After that, just enjoy coloring it). 🙂 


Find more of Emily’s amazing work here:


I. love. her. so. much. 

And here’s how the final colored piece from Emily came out. Yes, those are deadly nightshade, irises, and nettles in the border.

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